Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Costumes

Somewhere along the way, Halloween (like so much of our lives) has been co-opted by big corporations.  In the same way that people have become convinced that they can't cook without a prepackaged, freeze-dried miracle in a box, our society has increasingly become convinced that Halloween is something better left to the experts.  And when people become incapable (or believe they are incapable) of creation, then they are left to the mercies of the creators.  

If you go to a costume shop, you can easily expect to spend $50-60 for a costume.  Even many children's costumes will run $40+.  In a time when so many folks are struggling to keep the lights on and food on the table, spending that kind of money just isn't feasible.  Don't be convinced that costumes must be expensive or elaborate for a night of trick-or-treating.  Below are some of the costumes that we have created for little or no money:

Batman:  already owned pajama top and a $3 mask.

Robot:   $5 worth of dryer vent hose, $3 can of spray paint, duct tape and recycling bin scrounging

Plants vs Zombies:
sunflower:  green pajamas, fabric scraps from sewing box, Easter headband (no new spending)
zombie:  jacket and tie from thrift store (about $5), soccer practice cone (already owned) and grey face paint (about $2)

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