Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Easy Peasy: Reduce Your Cooling Costs

Photo Wikimedia Commons, photographer unknown

One simple way to save on cooling costs is to close your blinds or curtains first thing in the morning.  This helps keep the sun out and the cool in.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Easy Peasy: Reducing Waste in Baby Steps

If you follow this blog, you are probably like me.  You want to reduce waste.  You things to be as simple and efficient as possible.  If you are also like me, the likelihood of a Martha-Stewart-style makeover is not in the offing.  Instead, you make small changes a little at a time and gradually get to where you want to be.

My journey towards a waste-free life is taken in baby steps.  For folks like me, I'm introducing the Easy Peasy series.  From time to time I will post a simple, single step to help reduce waste.  I hope you enjoy this, and would love to hear any suggestions that you folks might have along the way.